Built To Prosper University

The Power of Setting Goals – Be S.M.A.R.T.

One of the most common complaints that many people have in regard to goal setting is that they are just too busy to find time to set goals. We become too consumed by our work and then by our responsibilities for our family that we get little time for personal enrichment of any kind. All these are valid points but if you are going to live a prosperous life you have to learn how to use situations that you consider to be obstacles as motivation and not as excuses. As a family, we have our individual goals, we have our family goals and our business goals. And they are posted within our home so we can keep track.

At first, it was a little uncomfortable sharing our individual goals with each other. I think it had more to do with fear of not accomplishing the goal because now others are aware of your goals and they can hold you accountable. There is joy when you come together as a family and set goals and it is even more gratifying when you accomplish those goals. If your goal is not important to you or if it is not something you deeply want, you probably will not achieve it. On the other hand, if your goal means everything to you, there is no excuse on earth that can stop you from accomplishing your goals. Goal setting should be fun, exciting and S.M.A.R.T.

Most people have goals to get promoted, earn more money, improve relationships and the like, but these are very vague goals. To be specific, you need to include the full details of your goals. Write down something like, “I will be promoted to President of my company by (date)” “I will run a 5k in an hour” or “I will grow my relationship with my spouse by going on a date every week.” Include the names, the position, the amount, the date and everything else needed to train your mind to start working toward that goal.

Goals need to be measurable so that you can keep track of how well you are doing. For your business or job, you can include specifics such as the number of hours you are working, the amount you are earning, the staff you are managing, etc. For the goal of attaining more money, you can include details such as the amount you want to earn, save or the number of assets and investments you want to attain. Always have important points and items to be measured so you can understand how close you are to achieving your goals.

Attainable vs Realistic
It is ok to set goals that would stretch you outside of your comfort zone. Make sure you set objectives that you can reach within a given amount of time, provided the current resources and capabilities you have. Some goals can be achieved faster compared to others if you have the right tools and strategies already in place. Always include a strategic plan for big objectives.

Set “lifelines” to achieve your goals. We don’t like the word deadline, we prefer “lifeline”. Stay specific when setting timelines and schedules. For example, indicate things like “To spend at least 1 uninterrupted hour talking positively with my spouse every day starting tomorrow (indicate exact date)”. Setting the exact time and date will spur you to start working on your goals, instead of putting it off for another day and procrastinating. Some goals can take years to accomplish so it is wiser to break these down into smaller objectives complete with lifelines.

Put these strategies to work and watch you accomplish your goals with ease. You are worthy of achieving your goals so always remember to be S.M.A.R.T while getting them done.

How To Identify Time Wasting Habits

We all wish we could maximize the effectiveness of every minute of our day. But there is a big difference in investing your time in productive activities and wasting time in unproductive things that add no value to your life or business.

It is critically important to identify the time-wasting habits in your life, the little seemingly harmless activities that are actually sucking time from you without your knowledge. These are the activities that cause you to wonder at the end of the day, where has the day gone and what have I accomplished?

The first step to breaking the cycle of time-wasting habits, like all bad habits, is to identify where you have gone wrong. To that end, I urge you to use this strategy over the next 30 days.

Productivity Journal

Invest in a journal, not just any journal, but a journal that clearly depicts your productive activity. This journal is to be used to help you keep track of your schedule that will lead to you reaching your goal. At the end of every hour or at intervals that better fit your schedule, take notes on what tasks you have done for the past hour.

Make this time log as detailed as possible, indicating exactly how many hours you invest on productive activity in the day. Account for every hour.

Being busy vs Being productive

Analyze your schedule and you will realize how much time you have spent in checking your emails, daydreaming, on social media, answering unnecessary phone calls, reading or watching unproductive gossip material, and a whole bunch of other non-productive related activities.

Some people think that by being busy that they are actually being productive. Not much gets accomplished by being busy, there is no concentrated effort on accomplishing a goal or task you need to complete.

A vs. B

The goal is to become conscious of your “A” activity (goal producing activity) vs. “B” activity (busy doing much of nothing).

Time is to be invested not wasted. Purpose gives meaning to WHY you are doing what you are doing. Utilize your productivity journal to get a firm grasp on how to identify your time-wasting habits.

Then and only then, would you be able to change your habits and watch all the unproductive activity slowly disappear from your time logs, and you will finally start to accomplish more goals in life by having more productive days!

So, start today, start now, identify and then eliminate your time-wasting habits and begin your journey towards a more fulfilling way of life!SHARE

Tips On Building An Effective and Productive Team

How To Leave A Legacy (Interview with Hasheem Francis)

6 Steps to Growing Leaders: by Deborah Francis

What makes one leader attract other leaders and another only followers?

Some leaders attract other leaders who want to not only do what they are doing, but they have the desire to be and to do more.

Then there are other leaders who are comfortable with having followers. These leaders find followers that look up to them and never help develop these individuals to reach their full potential. In contrast, these followers listen to their leader, follow every step and remain average, thus choosing to be a follower rather than becoming their own leader.

Developing Leaders vs. Followers

If you are a leader that is passionate, leading the charge to change, breaking the path and staying steadfast and true to your dream and vision, you will notice and nurture other leaders emerging from within your team that will do the same.

What about those leader-followers? They too follow their leader and do what is modelled for them.

Sure, you will grow a team, you will earn money, and find fulfilment in your achievements but you will not see the passion and ignite the fire for your team members? Not until you live the passion and ignite your own fire.

You must live it before others will see it and want what you have!

You must lead the change and become a leader with passion, confidence and a belief in yourself, a leader with a self-sacrificing spirit to develop other leaders.

Recognizing this important principle is the first step, in making the change for yourself and your team.

Here is how you can begin to grow leaders rather than leader-followers.

  1. Grow yourself: read a personal development book a week and listen to a productive audio a day.
  2. Be organized: consistent and follow through.
  3. Be authentic: share your challenges, your insights and your celebrations! Be real!
  4. Love yourself, then others! You cannot love others if you do not take care of yourself.
  5. Be an example of confidence and success, whether you feel like it or not.
  6. Keep a telescope on your goals and your vision for your business. Narrow your goals down to the very core and then eat, sleep and ACT on those goals every day! What is at the heart of what you do? What is your heart’s desire? Go after it with everything within you!

Through this journey you will not only change yourself but you are giving a gift to your team by developing other leaders. You have the ability, now put it into action!
